Monday, July 14, 2008

Ask Away

Hi, sweet girls!

I do apologize for the lack of activity on the blog lately, but last week was crazy busy with Friendly Haven VBS downtown that the High School peeps did. We did have fun though, and enjoyed some fellowship with some MIGHTY cute lil' ones all week. By the end of the week we were exhausted!

Anyway, I am back and hopefully on a more consistent basis!

With that said, this post is for YOU to ask me anything you want to know about me. It's a little "get to know me" post, if you will. I could list off a list of things you may not know about me, but I'd rather you ask, because it's just more fun that way! Plus, you may think of things that I might not think about.

So, for the next few days, even though I may post more, feel free to leave me a comment with anything you may want to know. It can be ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. All I ask is that you keep it appropriate! In a few days I will compile all of the questions and do a little Q&A post. It can be things like any favorites of mine, friendships, my college experience, high school and Jr. ?High days, family, or anything else you can think of.

I hope this is fun, girls!

Have a marvelous Monday!

Lots of love and many hugs your way!



Anonymous said...

here is a tipical question to start you off... what is your most memorable embarrasing moment?

Anonymous said...

Hey Lindsee,
Are you married? Do you have any kids??


Unknown said...

what's your favorite song (secular)??? sorry it was random

Anonymous said...

Do you think your car is quit?

Anonymous said...

hahaha i mean cute!

Anonymous said...

What is your favorite ice cream

Anonymous said...

Kevin's your brother right? Do you have any other siblings?
