Monday, February 23, 2009

DIVE '09

Hi girls! I have been such a bad blogger as of late. However, between both DIVE retreats, Planet Wisdom and Student Life, we have had plenty to do around here that has kept me busy, busy.

So, with that said, I want to hear from you!

Whether you went to Planet Wisdom with Jr. High or Student Life:Live Love, I want to know what was your favorite part about it?

I will share mine here. Forgive me in advance though, because Student Life is more fresh on my mind since it ended yesterday, so I may have more to say about it, but I also loved Planet Life and the Word that was taught there, too. So, just humor me!

At Planet Wisdom I loved when Mark Matlock talked about the signs of a wise man, and the signs of an un-wise man. Since then, I have pondered them over and over again in my heart and looked back at my notes constantly asking myself if I truly have the qualities of a wise man. Unfortunately, more often than not, I tend to lean more to the "un-wise" man qualities. Sad, I know, but it is something I can work on! That was probably my favorite and most memorable part of Planet Wisdom. Of course, besides the fact that I got to hang out with some awesome 8th grade girls who gave me a couch bed all to myself because they didn't like the sheets or the comforter that had to go on it. They cracked me up!

This past weekend, our High School DIVE retreat spent with Student Life and Francis Chan absolutely blew me away. The whole theme to "Live Love" hit home with most of us. I think we realized that we do a whole lot of living for ourselves and not serving other people. Sad, but so very true.

It is almost too soon to even talk about what I learned because I still need time to process and truly think about it, but the part that stands out in my mind right now was the fact that the Spirit did a work in the student's lives to move them to action instead of talk. That was the neatest thing to watch! I was so neat to see how fired up the students were about going to serve downtown and actually minister to the homeless.

It was especially sweet to watch some of my Junior girls go door to door to collect items to take downtown by telling each home what we were doing and what we had been learning. Some people were so gracious! I was so proud of them.

So, I want to hear from you! What was your favorite part of your DIVE weekend? Or, what was one thing that the Lord really showed you or spoke to you specifically about? I can't wait to hear your answers.
