Wednesday, August 20, 2008

That Girl

The other day after I got home from work, I was relaxing on the couch just flipping channels. Normally there is nothing good on when I get home, and really, I'm not much of a TV watcher, but doing this relaxes me sometimes.

Anyway, as I was flipping through I stopped on Entertainment Tonight. Yes, I have to admit, I like this show. Don't judge me. Sometimes I am just intrigued by it.

Anyway, they were doing a story on a recent Hollywood breakup. One that all of y'all know probably all too well! For the sake of not gossiping (even though we don't really know them, it's still gossip!) I am not going to share their names, but it's probably not to hard to guess.

They first interviewed the boy, and he shared his thoughts on the recent breakup, and then they interviewed the girl. Of course, they both said what everyone else would say, that they were okay, and think this is for the better, but then the girl said something that completely caught my attention, and also made my jaw drop.

After announcing that she was okay, the girl proceeded to say, "I just love being the girl that no one can have, but everybody wants!"


Girls, I seriously didn't know what to say. I mean, she clearly knows she's hot stuff. But then I thought about it. How many of us think this way? Do we know we're "hot stuff?" Do we act like the girl that no one can have, but that everybody wants?

I am so afraid that we do. Whether intentionally or not. I am afraid that by our actions, the way we dress, and the things we say sends a message to the boys we know, our brothers in Christ, that says we are the girl they want, but they just can't have.

It's so sad.

I once heard a mom say to tell those girls that when they wear short shorts, or tight/low cut shirts, that they just don't know what we're doing to the boys.

I beg to differ. I think the reason we do wear those kinds of things, and act certain ways is so that we do get that kind of attention. I know it's hard to swallow, and something I don't say lightly, but I think it's true. Why else would you wear such things? We KNOW what we're doing to boys.

My challenge to you is to really examine what kind of girl you are. Are you one that everyone wants but can't have? Or are you lily among the thorns? Set apart? A girl that is holy because HE is holy? I hope and pray that you are the latter.

Girls, true and lasting satisfaction can only be found in Christ Jesus. He loves you with such a pure and unconditional love. He doesn't love you based on how pretty you are. He doesn't love you based on what you do for Him. He doesn't love you because you love Him. He loves you because you are you. Period.

Be the kind of girl that is so lost in His love that a boy has to truly seek the Lord to find you. Oh, that you would not settle. Find your satisfaction in Him. Other things will only last for a moment, but He will satisfy forever!

I pray this for my life, too!

Love you girls so much! Run after Him today. HE WANTS YOU! Be a GODLY girl, not just a good christian girl.



Unknown said...

so true!!! oh got me questioning about who the break up was about!!!! haha

Anonymous said...


I don't watch TV or read those types of magazines, so I don't know who you are talking about. But I get the point.

Oh, yes, I totally agree with what you are saying, Lindsee. I hate it when I see girls wearing skimpy outfits!!

Modesty is the key. I will always remember that!!
