Thursday, August 7, 2008

Q & A

Here is a typical question to start you off... what is your most memorable embarrassing moment?

Well, I am not one to get embarrassed that often. Normally, if something embarrassing does happen, I just laugh it off and move on with life. That's why I can't really think of anything embarrassing. However, I do have one slightly gross/embarrassing story.

When I was in HCC (Houston Children's Chorus) back in the Jr. High, we used to have Saturday morning rehearsals. Normally before these rehearsals we stopped at a donut shop and picked us up some breakfast. This one particular morning I got 2 donuts and Sunny Delight. I had never had this combination before, normally I just got water. So, I ate my donuts and drank my Sunny D. Later on during rehearsal I started not feeling too well. I mean, it was getting to the point where I could barely stand up. My stomach was turning. But I had no idea what was wrong. At one point we stood up to sing a song, and RIGHT when the song started, on cue, I puked in front of everyone. (That was the first time I had thrown up my whole life! So I was all out of sorts.) I then started to walk out of rehearsal, obviously, and as I was walking out I just kept throwing up. Of course, the minute I got to the actual bathroom, I was done. Needless to say, we called my parents and I left rehearsal early. To this day I still have yet to eat donuts and sunny delight. Donuts alone? Yes. Sunny Delight? Never again.

Little known fact: I have only thrown up twice my whole life. This time, and a time after I went to the dentist. (Nice!) It is actually a fear of mine. I HATE throwing up. Normally if I feel like I need to, I will talk myself out of it! How many of you can beat that?!

Are you married? Do you have any kids??

Nope. Not married. And nope. No kids! However, I do hope one day to be married and have kids. I hope and pray for that everyday! But, like every girl should do, I am waiting on the Lord! No, it's not easy, and no, I am not even dating anybody. But, His timing is perfect so I am trusting that He will provide for me when HE feels it's the right time. Not when I feel is the right time, which would honestly be sooner than later! (And just for the record, I've never actually dated anybody. But, we'll keep that post for a later time!)

What's your favorite song (secular)???

Hmmm. This changes often. Currently, I am enjoying some Colbie Caillat and some Beatles. Out of those artists my favs are Realize and Bubbly from Colbie Caillat and I cannot even begin to tell you a favorite from the Beatles because there are FAR to many to pick from. But, I am also loving Viva la Vida by Coldplay at the moment. It's way catchy. Truly, the list could go on and on. So, I'll stop there. I am a music freak. (But I would hate to leave out James Taylor!) Okay, really stopping.

Do you think your car is quit? hahaha i mean cute!

You girls make me laugh. Yes, I think my car is cute, and yes I am still loving it! Don't know you are too!

What is your favorite ice cream?

Oh bless. You've opened a whole new can of worms here. This list, along with the music list, could go on and on and on...

So, I will list my favorites (notice the s at the end...this will be a plural answer!)

In no particular order:

Cookies n' Cream by Blue Bell
Mint Chocolate Chip by Blue Bell
Slow Churned French Silk by Dreyer's
Almond Delight by Connie's Custard
Texas Tornado by Connie's Custard

And yes, I know the last two are custard, but it's still ice cream in my book, and no, you cannot buy it at the store, you have to go to Connie's Custard to get that ice cream. It's a good thing I only live across the street from it! And if you've never had Connie' Come back and read the post later. It is heavenly.

Kevin's your brother right? Do you have any other siblings?

Yes, Kevyn is my brother. And yes, he spells his name KEVYN, just like I spell my name LINDSEE. And yes, we have an older brother, BRIEN. Who also spells his name weird, too. Don't blame the name spelling on us, though, you can thank my parents. :)

I am the only girl in the middle of two boys and absolutely LOVE it. We actually all love each other, too. I mean yes, we had our days. I'll never forget standing at the top of the stairs screaming Brien's name because he was annoying me so bad. (That's when we were younger. A long time ago. I haven't done that in SO LONG. And it really didn't even happen that often because I'm not one to get mad or annoyed takes a lot of annoyance to get me to that point!) But, we all get along fabulous now and enjoy each others company! Especially on vacation when we have to entertain ourselves, and entertain ourselves we do. Brien is 26, I am 23 and Kev, our baby is 18 and heading off to college. I love my brothers! And even though I've always wanted a sister, my brothers are enough for me now! Maybe the Lord will bless me with a sister-in-law one day! :)

Well girls, that's all I've got for you! If you have any other questions feel free to ask away.

Hope you all have a fabulous Thursday. I have GOT to get in the shower, because I am one hot mess right now!

Love you girls!


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