Friday, August 29, 2008

Save the Date

What: First ever TSMAC girls retreat :)

When: November 14-15!!

Who: ALL Jr. High and High School girls (You can invite as many friends as you want, too!)

Where: HERE @ CBC

Theme: R.E.A.L (Respect, Encouragement, Acceptance & Love)

Cost: To Be Determined

Girls, you DO NOT want to miss out on this awesome event! I am so excited I could bust! The planning has already begun and I know the Lord has huge things in store for this retreat. And really, what could be better than getting together for a weekend with the best girls in the USA?!

So, mark your calender, save the date, do whatever you need to do to get yourself here! I am already praying for each and every one of you!

And seriously girls, let your friends know too! They are all invited. The more the merrier!

Love you all! the date! (And if you already have something this weekend...reschedule!) :)

And no worries...we'll give you PLENTY more details as we get things set in stone!


Thursday, August 28, 2008


A fear of clowns.

I just self diagnosed myself with coulrophobia because I have an abnormal fear of clowns. I have my whole life. This is nothing new, now I just have a professional name for it.

Wikopedia gave me this thrilling definition...

"Coulrophobia is an abnormal or exaggerated fear of clowns. The term is common, but it does not appear to be used in psychology. [1]It is not uncommon among children, but is also sometimes found in teenagers and adults as well. Sufferers sometimes acquire a fear of clowns after having a bad experience with one personally, or seeing a sinister portrayal of one in the media. A design study carried out by the University of Sheffield found that children are frightened by clown-themed décor in hospitals.[2] This fear can arise from seeing a clown in person, or in pictures. "

You have to know that NONE of these things ever happened to me. I guess I don't like them because I don't understand there purpose. Why would you willingly dress up in huge clothes, where abnormally huge shoes, paint your face white and walk around at events where little children are bound to be entertained by you? I have no answers.

And I have no clue. I never want to be a clown.

And I sure don't like encountering them.

What is something silly you are afraid of? Do you have an odd phobia?


Monday, August 25, 2008

The First Day of School

August 25th.

I thought this day would never come. The very first day of school that I don't have to go to! I don't say this to rub it in your face, but to encourage you.

Girls, I know for some of you going back to school is a drag. I know for some of you, you couldn't be more excited. Personally I really did enjoy school! No, I didn't enjoy the early mornings, but once I was there, it wasn't so bad.

My charge to you is to truly think about what you want this year to look like! Do you want to be someone who blends in with everyone else, or do you want to be different? Bold?

Girls, if you are in Christ Jesus, you have the holy spirit IN you. Do you know what this means? Girls, you have the POWER of Jesus Christ in you to make a difference in your school! To truly be that girl that everyone sees and wants to know what's so different about you. Oh, that Jesus would shine through you!

This doesn't mean you have to be an outcast. It means that you just have the power to love your peers the way that Jesus loves. And ALL of your peers for that matter, not just your favorites.

It means that you have the power to accept anybody and everybody as a friend the way that Jesus did.

It means that you have to the power to encourage your peers the way the Jesus encourages us!

Girls, this is huge!

During my Jr. High and High School years, I definitely didn't do this to it's full potential. Yes, I was the "good girl" and what not, but I definitely didn't act as Jesus would at times. A lot of times I wouldn't even acknowledge that I was a christian around certain people just to that I would be accepted by the cool crowd. Do you want to know how much satisfaction that brought me? NONE!

Absolutely none.

Do you want to know how many of those people I still talk to? NONE! The cool factor doesn't even matter girls. I so wish I knew that back in the day!

Anyway, I am so hoping that right now at exactly 12:00 pm you are having a FABULOUS first day of school.

For some of you, you are entering a brand new school and are scared out of your mind, some of you it's your first time in public school and you have no idea what to think. Some of you are freshman in high school or college and everything new is more than exciting to you. (And we all know your excited about the boys...let's just get honest here!) And some of you are Seniors and you are so ready to get this party started.

Wherever you are, whatever school you are at, I am praying, praying, praying for you!

I always LOVED the first day of school, but was always scared out of my every livin' mind, too.

ENJOY today, and even if you feel alone where you are, know that you are not! God is with you. I know it sounds cheesy, but I so hope it brings you peace of mind.

Love you girls like crazy! Let this school year be an amazing one! Can't wait to hear all about your first day!


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

That Girl

The other day after I got home from work, I was relaxing on the couch just flipping channels. Normally there is nothing good on when I get home, and really, I'm not much of a TV watcher, but doing this relaxes me sometimes.

Anyway, as I was flipping through I stopped on Entertainment Tonight. Yes, I have to admit, I like this show. Don't judge me. Sometimes I am just intrigued by it.

Anyway, they were doing a story on a recent Hollywood breakup. One that all of y'all know probably all too well! For the sake of not gossiping (even though we don't really know them, it's still gossip!) I am not going to share their names, but it's probably not to hard to guess.

They first interviewed the boy, and he shared his thoughts on the recent breakup, and then they interviewed the girl. Of course, they both said what everyone else would say, that they were okay, and think this is for the better, but then the girl said something that completely caught my attention, and also made my jaw drop.

After announcing that she was okay, the girl proceeded to say, "I just love being the girl that no one can have, but everybody wants!"


Girls, I seriously didn't know what to say. I mean, she clearly knows she's hot stuff. But then I thought about it. How many of us think this way? Do we know we're "hot stuff?" Do we act like the girl that no one can have, but that everybody wants?

I am so afraid that we do. Whether intentionally or not. I am afraid that by our actions, the way we dress, and the things we say sends a message to the boys we know, our brothers in Christ, that says we are the girl they want, but they just can't have.

It's so sad.

I once heard a mom say to tell those girls that when they wear short shorts, or tight/low cut shirts, that they just don't know what we're doing to the boys.

I beg to differ. I think the reason we do wear those kinds of things, and act certain ways is so that we do get that kind of attention. I know it's hard to swallow, and something I don't say lightly, but I think it's true. Why else would you wear such things? We KNOW what we're doing to boys.

My challenge to you is to really examine what kind of girl you are. Are you one that everyone wants but can't have? Or are you lily among the thorns? Set apart? A girl that is holy because HE is holy? I hope and pray that you are the latter.

Girls, true and lasting satisfaction can only be found in Christ Jesus. He loves you with such a pure and unconditional love. He doesn't love you based on how pretty you are. He doesn't love you based on what you do for Him. He doesn't love you because you love Him. He loves you because you are you. Period.

Be the kind of girl that is so lost in His love that a boy has to truly seek the Lord to find you. Oh, that you would not settle. Find your satisfaction in Him. Other things will only last for a moment, but He will satisfy forever!

I pray this for my life, too!

Love you girls so much! Run after Him today. HE WANTS YOU! Be a GODLY girl, not just a good christian girl.


Friday, August 15, 2008

A Blog Makeover

Hi girls! Do you like our new blog look?!

I absolutely love it! It took me like 10.6 hours to actually decide on one I like because there were so many that were absolutely precious!

So, this is just a shout out and thank you to the Cutest Blog on the Block, because I am pretty sure we now have the cutest blog on the block. :)

Anyway, so sorry I have been so blog absent this week. I have been busy house sitting...and well, watching the Olympics. Currently my favorites are swimming, diving and gymnastics. You can see my eyes glued to the television during any of these competitions. Don't judge me, though. Normally I am not a T.V. guru.

What are your favorite competitions to watch during the Olympics? Let me know!

Well, girls, I'm off to lunch! It's 1:39 and my tummy is growling.

Have a FABULOUS Friday and enjoy your weekend!

Love you all dearly!


Thursday, August 7, 2008

Q & A

Here is a typical question to start you off... what is your most memorable embarrassing moment?

Well, I am not one to get embarrassed that often. Normally, if something embarrassing does happen, I just laugh it off and move on with life. That's why I can't really think of anything embarrassing. However, I do have one slightly gross/embarrassing story.

When I was in HCC (Houston Children's Chorus) back in the Jr. High, we used to have Saturday morning rehearsals. Normally before these rehearsals we stopped at a donut shop and picked us up some breakfast. This one particular morning I got 2 donuts and Sunny Delight. I had never had this combination before, normally I just got water. So, I ate my donuts and drank my Sunny D. Later on during rehearsal I started not feeling too well. I mean, it was getting to the point where I could barely stand up. My stomach was turning. But I had no idea what was wrong. At one point we stood up to sing a song, and RIGHT when the song started, on cue, I puked in front of everyone. (That was the first time I had thrown up my whole life! So I was all out of sorts.) I then started to walk out of rehearsal, obviously, and as I was walking out I just kept throwing up. Of course, the minute I got to the actual bathroom, I was done. Needless to say, we called my parents and I left rehearsal early. To this day I still have yet to eat donuts and sunny delight. Donuts alone? Yes. Sunny Delight? Never again.

Little known fact: I have only thrown up twice my whole life. This time, and a time after I went to the dentist. (Nice!) It is actually a fear of mine. I HATE throwing up. Normally if I feel like I need to, I will talk myself out of it! How many of you can beat that?!

Are you married? Do you have any kids??

Nope. Not married. And nope. No kids! However, I do hope one day to be married and have kids. I hope and pray for that everyday! But, like every girl should do, I am waiting on the Lord! No, it's not easy, and no, I am not even dating anybody. But, His timing is perfect so I am trusting that He will provide for me when HE feels it's the right time. Not when I feel is the right time, which would honestly be sooner than later! (And just for the record, I've never actually dated anybody. But, we'll keep that post for a later time!)

What's your favorite song (secular)???

Hmmm. This changes often. Currently, I am enjoying some Colbie Caillat and some Beatles. Out of those artists my favs are Realize and Bubbly from Colbie Caillat and I cannot even begin to tell you a favorite from the Beatles because there are FAR to many to pick from. But, I am also loving Viva la Vida by Coldplay at the moment. It's way catchy. Truly, the list could go on and on. So, I'll stop there. I am a music freak. (But I would hate to leave out James Taylor!) Okay, really stopping.

Do you think your car is quit? hahaha i mean cute!

You girls make me laugh. Yes, I think my car is cute, and yes I am still loving it! Don't know you are too!

What is your favorite ice cream?

Oh bless. You've opened a whole new can of worms here. This list, along with the music list, could go on and on and on...

So, I will list my favorites (notice the s at the end...this will be a plural answer!)

In no particular order:

Cookies n' Cream by Blue Bell
Mint Chocolate Chip by Blue Bell
Slow Churned French Silk by Dreyer's
Almond Delight by Connie's Custard
Texas Tornado by Connie's Custard

And yes, I know the last two are custard, but it's still ice cream in my book, and no, you cannot buy it at the store, you have to go to Connie's Custard to get that ice cream. It's a good thing I only live across the street from it! And if you've never had Connie' Come back and read the post later. It is heavenly.

Kevin's your brother right? Do you have any other siblings?

Yes, Kevyn is my brother. And yes, he spells his name KEVYN, just like I spell my name LINDSEE. And yes, we have an older brother, BRIEN. Who also spells his name weird, too. Don't blame the name spelling on us, though, you can thank my parents. :)

I am the only girl in the middle of two boys and absolutely LOVE it. We actually all love each other, too. I mean yes, we had our days. I'll never forget standing at the top of the stairs screaming Brien's name because he was annoying me so bad. (That's when we were younger. A long time ago. I haven't done that in SO LONG. And it really didn't even happen that often because I'm not one to get mad or annoyed takes a lot of annoyance to get me to that point!) But, we all get along fabulous now and enjoy each others company! Especially on vacation when we have to entertain ourselves, and entertain ourselves we do. Brien is 26, I am 23 and Kev, our baby is 18 and heading off to college. I love my brothers! And even though I've always wanted a sister, my brothers are enough for me now! Maybe the Lord will bless me with a sister-in-law one day! :)

Well girls, that's all I've got for you! If you have any other questions feel free to ask away.

Hope you all have a fabulous Thursday. I have GOT to get in the shower, because I am one hot mess right now!

Love you girls!


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Edouard and Taco Cabana

Girls, did you survive Edouard? I sure hope you did. Yours truly spent the rainy day at the office dreaming about my bed. I mean, really, who doesn't love taking a nap when the rain is beating on your window?! It can by far be some of the best sleep you can get!

Anyway, I got a lot done, but as of right now at 7:48 pm I am currently sitting on my nice comfy couch enjoying this quiet and uneventful evening. After such a crazy schedule lately I am enjoying this down time!

What did you do today to entertain yourself during the hurricane ? Anything exciting? Please tell me you enjoyed a nap on my behalf! :)

Anyway, back to more important

So, Sunday night after church I was really craving some Taco Cabana. Every now and then I have a hankering for some tortillas and cheese. It is a wonderful meal/snack.

I pulled through the drive thru and ordered my original: A dozen tortillas, 8 oz. of queso, and an 8 oz. cup of fajita chicken. (I get extras because inevitably when I get home the whole family decides they want some, too, so I know better now just to get enough to share the wealth!)

When I pulled up to the window, the man said, "So, why do you order this?

My response: "Well, I love dipping your tortillas in the cheese and every now and then, I want to throw some chicken in, too!"

Man: "Oh, okay. Well, I was just wondering because I've never seen anybody order that. You're the first!"

Y'all, I was shocked. I don't know about you, but during my high school days Taco Cabana (or Taco C as we called it) was THE hang out. We went there all the time. I really don't know why, probably because it was cheap and we ALL ordered tortillas and cheese. Back then, my order wasn't so foreign!

So, what do you order at Taco C? Do y'all even go there anymore? Do you order something that is on the menu? (And for the record, all the stuff I order IS on the menu!)

Well, girls. I'm off to warm up some leftover tortillas and cheese for dinner. Healthy, isn't it!

Love y'all!


P.S. Q&A answer post coming if you have any last minute questions feel free to ask!