Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Real Beauty

I know a lot of our 2:42 groups are going through the Bible Study: The Lies Young Women Believe by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. My group (which is the Junior Girls) is going through it also and personally, it is kicking me in the rear. It has been just as good for me to hear as it has been for those girls! What has been so intriguing is that many of these lies we are discussing are lies that are not so obvious and that really bog us down. As hard as it is to do the bible study and realize that you have fallen victim to these oh, so subtle lies, it is rewarding to, in return, to replace those lies with the truth of God's Word.

Yes, it is much easier said than done, but our minds are being renewed slowly, and frankly, Satan hates it.

One of the last lies we discussed was that beautiful girls are worth more. At first I struggled with this lie, because honestly, I know that is not true. I know it is inward beauty that matters. However, I really searched my heart and thought about it, and of course I believe that lie! The reason I struggled with it is because I am not one that has pictures of models taped all over my walls, nor do I read magazine after magazine, or even watch any of the model shows that are all over T.V.

So, what is feeding this lie?

That would be me, myself and I. I don't do any of the things listed above, but I do compare myself to every other girl out there. Who is prettier, has better hair, better skin, a better body, you name it, I compare it! And then to add to that, I see any one of these said girls with their prince charming and immediately my thought is, well of course they have a boy, they're drop dead gorgeous! And that is when I feed the lie, because it is then that I believe that I am not.

The truth is, however, is that 'the King is enthralled by my beauty' (Psalm 45:11) and who am I to compare myself to anybody else?

In all reality, I don't want anybody to like or love me for my looks, especially a boy, but more importantly because of my heart and that Christ would truly shine through me. That I would radiate a light that can only come from Him.

To love and accept somebody merely for their physical appearance is by far one of the most shallow things to do in life. And not only shallow, but it is a sin according to God's Word, check out James 2.

I want to be a person that not only attracts people because of the light of Jesus Christ living in me, but I want to be attracted to those people, too. And, in my short twenty-three years of living, I can name a handful of people that have truly shined the light of Christ. It's just so inviting, and unmistakable. It is contagious!

That is what I was taught from that lie. To no longer compare myself with every pretty girl in the universe, but to truly strive to have that beauty flowing out of me despite what I may or may not look like.

You may be the girl that has posters all over her room and wished you looked just like said poster. My encouragement to you is to take it all down, and start replacing it with truth. The longer you look at those posters, the more you will be disappointed. Our God is a redeeming God and He can redeem your mind! And sister, I pray that you let Him. It doesn't happen overnight (not that it can't!) but it takes patience, perseverance and some serious time in the Word and in prayer.

With that said, I want to share with you three things that are mind boggling to me. We all know that photo shop is our friend and that it can do magical things in pictures but, I am here to tell you that photo shop is every models best friend. It truly does wonders!

Check out this website and this website to see the touch-ups that have occurred to produce the perfect girl you feel that you need to become. Sometimes I want to scream when I see these things because of what it is doing to each of our minds. It's all fake!

I'll be honest with you and tell you that as I have refreshed these websites time and time again the past few days, I've had a weight taken off me (no pun intended!) and burden that has been lifted that I no longer need to have the perfect hair, perfect teeth, or perfect body. There is no such thing as perfect! Praise the Lord that the one true perfect thing, if we are in Christ, resides in us.

Thirdly, take one minute, literally, to watch this clip that Dove produced. I do love Dove and their campaign for Real Beauty! Keep it up, Dove!

And lastly, I pray that each of you, myself included, would honestly start replacing each of these lies with Truth and that you would be the kind of girl that is so inviting because of your pure heart and love for Jesus. Let His face shine upon you, sister!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Woo Hoo for Junior Girls!!! :-)

This is good. I loved looking at the links. Hannah and I were looking at them and we're disgusted!