Friday, January 30, 2009

Weekend O' Fun

Hey there, sweet things! I just wanted to remind you of a few things going on this weekend. I will deem it the Weekend O' Fun.

First off, tonight is Jr. High BLAB! Our high school BLAB went great on Monday night, so I am hoping to see most of your precious faces there tonight! And girls, you don't want to miss the chocolate. Always know there will be chocolate at any girl event where I am involved. Chocolate is my love language, sisters. You will always win my heart by bringing me chocolate. I'm not sayin' I need it, but still.

The address for Mrs. Deschamps house is below so just have your mom or dad google it and it should give you pretty clear directions on how to get there.

Secondly, for the high school girls, PLEASE REMEMBER THAT DIVE REGISTRATION ENDS THIS SUNDAY! There is going to be a parent meeting right after church at 12:30, so if you haven't registered yet, you can do so either before than online, or at the meeting. However, please, please, please sign up. Y'all, it is going to be a great retreat. We ALL need to hear about how to "Live Love!" You will not want to miss out.

Lastly, also this Sunday is the Superbowl Party! Woo Hoo! Now, let me be real honest, I'm not one for much football. Football is not my love language. At all. However, next to chocolate, my other love language is being with people. People like you. So if you're thinking that football really isn't your thing, either, come anyway, hang out, eat chocolate and laugh with me and undoubtedly we will have us some Sunday Superbowl Fun! We will have a handout with more details for you on Sunday so be watching for that.

And folks, did I forget to mention the crazy, hilarious commercials? Need I say more?

Love you girls like crazy! Hope to see your faces many times this weekend. And I totally mean that.


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