Monday, December 29, 2008

Are The Holiday's Really Almost Over?

GIRLS! How was your Christmas? I hope and pray that is was filled with so much love, and of course, no holiday is complete unless much laughter is involved, too.

So, I am very curious as to what you all did for Christmas this year, and what you got. So, why don't you leave a comment (and don't forget to add your name if you are posting as an anonymous blogger) and tell me your favorite gift this year. Girls, this is no contest, and it doesn't have to be something big at all, just tell me your favorite gift you received.

For instance, I got 3 pairs of socks in my stocking that I absolutely love. They are long socks that I can wear with my boots, which thrills my little heart because I didn't have any. Yes, I did get some other fun things, but I loved my socks.

So, spill the beans, what did you get?

Well girls, I am back at work, so I better concentrate, but I just wanted to pop in and say hello.

Be looking for a post real soon about something I would love for all of us to do this coming year. It is something I am personally going to do, and I would love for y'all to join me in the journey! Want to know what it is? Well, be sure to come back within the next few days.

Love you girls dearly and hope you all have a wonderful week off of school. Let's go see a movie! Any takers? :)


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