Thursday, September 11, 2008

Post Script

P.S. I didn't mention, but for real know that everyone would appreciate prayers for the hurricane. Pray that the Lord, in His awesome mighty power, would dwindle this huge storm down to just a rain shower. He is MORE than capable of doing just that. Especially pray the people from Galveston, and the people who had to evacuate. It's hard to leave your home in the dust, not sure of what will be left when you return.

And while your praying, remember to pray for all of those that are dealing with the memory of 9/11 today. I know we all remember it all too well, but pray for the ones that were directly affected. People are hurting today all over. Anniversary's of tragedy's like this, are never easy!

Okay, I'm out for real this time! Gonna go chow down on some yummy home grilled burgers!


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