Tuesday, September 15, 2009

And We're Back In The Game


Bless my heart! I have ignored you since March! How dare I??

Needless to say, it was one fast and furious summer and I can't believe it is completely over, in every sense of the word.

Summer is gone. Fall is here. Where does time go?

Well, there is no reason to tarry on about something of the past, so we'll move onto new, exciting things for this fall.

At least I hope they're new and exciting.

First off, our first BLAB of the semester will take place at my new house starting next week. I am so excited to get back at those! It gives me a chance to see all of you sweet things during the week and talk about strictly girly things with no boy distractions. We need no distractions every once in a while! This first one is for just high school girls, but middle school girls, no worries, yours will start soon. So, next Wednesday evening, the 23rd, be there or be sorry.

Since putting my address on the world wide web for all to see would be plain stupid (Girls, you should NEVER do that, either) just be sure to grab a BLAB flyer at church. It has all the information you need on it. Or, feel free to call or email me at the church office!

Secondly, you should get super excited about our 2nd Girls Retreat, Behind the Scenes! I am just thrilled to pieces and am hoping you'll join me in the excitement. It's going to be even bigger and better than last year! This year we're having it and staying at a hotel, and seriously, who doesn't love a hotel sleepover with your favorite girlfriends?? Oh no, you do not want to miss out. That date is November 13th - 14th so be sure to put it on your calendar now! More details and information will be coming to a church near you very, very soon! Also, registration will start soon as well, so be on the look out for that, too. Get excited, girls!

Well, how's that for a lame re-entry into the blogworld post? Ha! I promise to be better about blogging from here on out.

However, I'll leave you with one other random fact of the day:

Tonight, my favorite show ever premieres! What is it, you ask? That would be The Biggest Loser! To say that I am slightly obsessed with this show would be an understatement. For some reason I love it to absolute pieces and miss it tremendously when it's not on. There is just something about watching real people transform their lives right before your eyes. It motivates me to live a healthy and active lifestyle. We are a temple of the Holy Spirit and it is only right that we take care of the bodies we've been given to reside in here on this earth. Plus, it reminds me of the transformation that can take place in our lives through Jesus Christ when we allow Him to truly transform us. (Romans 12:2 & 2 Corinthians 3:18) He is more than willing to work with us to transform our lives, and even fights for us (Exodus 14:14), but we have to be willing to do the work it takes to be a free people and to live the lives He's called us too! It's a sweet transformation if you ask me.

Okay, enough about that silly show that has clearly stolen my heart.

What is your favorite show? Premiere week is this week so I know something is coming on that you've been dying to watch all summer. I'd love to hear it! Spill the beans!

Have a terrific Tuesday!
